Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction
The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

•            Lesson plans for student teaching

Rationale:  The above artifact is an example of just one of my many lesson plans that I used during my time at Sigourney High School during student teaching. 

•            Interdisciplinary unit plan(General Methods)

Rationale:  The above 11 day lesson plan was developed to merge history with psychology.  I hoped to bring in psychological theories to further explain the motives of some of the leaders during WWII. It was meant to last 2 full 5-day weeks, plus a test on a Monday, giving my students the weekend to study.  

•            Professional development- ideas, collaboration, etc.

Rationale:  During my time at Sigourney High School I attended multiple professional development days and meetings.  The staff at Sigourney were very supportive and allowed me to voice my thoughts and ideas during discussion and collaboration.  I was also allowed to sit in during the Leadership Team Meeting, which made final decisions to take before the school board after the entire staff discussed openly.  It was incredibly educational and a great learning experience.  During my time observing the staff working together I learned so many ways to make my lessons better. 

•            Pinterest

Rationale:  With this new social media site, a whole new world of resources has become available.  Not only have I used this site to discover ways to organize my classroom, but this site has offered many project ideas, activity ideas, and links to different web sites that offer me information. This has been an incredible tool in planning my lessons.